Stay In Your Lane

Affirm your senior role in the hierarchy while giving back to junior-level Black men

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Stay in your lane.

Guys in the C suite network with other guys in the C-suite. Guys who are directors hang with guys who are directors.

Your lane is wherever you are in your level of seniority. This is normal, and this is how it should be.

Think about high school: for example, the freshman only kicked it with the freshman, the sophomores kicked it with the sophomores, the juniors kicked it with the juniors, and the seniors kicked it with the seniors.

This is how it should be, they had the most in common. Anything other than that was usually deemed weird, odd, or simply an anomaly.

However, there are two things that you should keep in mind. Number one, for those guys that are in the C suite and SVP levels, you should definitely be sponsoring Black men and others that are on lower levels of seniority.

This doesn’t mean they’re your colleagues on your same level, seniority-wise, and it doesn’t mean you’re better than them humanity-wise, but you do have an opportunity to give them insight on how they should think and move as they try to reach higher levels of success.

In addition, I want guys on senior levels of leadership to let those who are not on those levels, specifically Black men, know there are advantages and privileges to climbing the ladder and getting to the very top.

There’s more respect, there’s more influence, there’s more pay, there’s more stock given, there are more conferences you’re invited to, and there are more investments that you learn about. Seniority is incredibly important in your career trajectory, in addition to salary and job satisfaction.

So my guys in the C suite and SVP roles, love it, celebrate your seniority, don’t rub it in anyone else’s face, because that’s unnecessary, but let the world know that your status matters and that there are many benefits that other brothers may not be aware of that they should be shooting for as well.

The next step is finding opportunities to sponsor other up-and-coming Black men who are "yes men". “Yes men” are brothers that, when you say jump, they say “how high.” When you say “follow up” with somebody else, they do it immediately. When you say, "read a book," they buy it and start reading it that night. When you say they should consider moving to where the company headquarters is out of the remote job and into an in-person job because they can network with the top brass, they buy their plane ticket. These are "yes men."

These are the brothers that will benefit the most from your guidance and will give you the most satisfaction with the least headache. Be on the lookout for these brothers.

For the more junior brothers who want to fight with you, hassle with you, and tell you why their perspective is right, have referrals to send them to because they are not ready to benefit from all of your guidance at that point and they need to go somewhere else to learn first.

Gentlemen, hierarchy is real; it’s a positive thing for the workplace and for society. It doesn’t have to be brutal or mean, but there are benefits to climbing it.

For that reason, as you learn to climb the ropes, that’s OK, but remember that you have earned the privilege to be where you are; stay in your lane.

Written by Jewel Edward Love, Jr.

If you are a corporate executive who wants to achieve more, then schedule a consultation with Jewel today. He’s helped over 500 corporate brothers get the salary, seniority, and satisfaction they desire using his proven Executive Blueprint system.

Your investment starts at just $10,000 for life-changing results. Schedule your consultation today at

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