Your Podcast

The Secret To Personal Branding & Huge Opportunities

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This November 15th challenge is sold out!

This will be a powerful communal experience for brothers looking to land their next role in 30 days or more. We will have gold, silver, and bronze winners for this challenge.

If you’re looking for your next best values-aligned, high-paying role, please continue to follow the newsletter for updates.

Starting your own podcast is one of the best things you can do to position yourself as a thought leader.

There are four main benefits to becoming a thought leader that I want you to consider. The first one is the most important, and it’s to give back.

There are other Black men and women who are looking for a leg up in the corporate world, and you have an important story to tell.

Although it is unfortunate, the number of Black men in corporate America is dismally low. The numbers should be tremendously higher, and the fact that you are there should be celebrated.

However, if you have expertise on a certain subject, industry, process, or level of seniority, that could open the doors for more Black people to come behind you.

Your story will open the minds of other Black men in junior-level roles considering corporate America, who may not think it’s for them, and cause them to say, “Senior leadership is for me.”

They will see that it’s possible for them to achieve greatness because they’ve seen you doing so as well.

Lastly, on this point, please consider the amount of media coverage for sports stars, entertainers, and rap stars as opposed to business leaders in the Black community.

It’s night and day.

We need your voice loud, clear, and present in order to help shape the narrative that brothers are in corporate America and are thriving.

Number two is career advancement.

If you have a great role and you’re simply looking to enhance your brand and make new connections, or if you’re looking to land your next best role with a great new organization that has a great conversation package as well, putting yourself out there as a podcast host and thought leader is an excellent marketing tool.

I’ve seen brothers use it time and time again to land their next best role.

When hiring managers and recruiters are looking for talent, they’re always looking for something special, not ordinary.

If you’re leading a podcast, it shows that you have initiative over and above what the job requires and that you value your perspective and others enough to host a platform for them to be shared.

It shows initiative, motivation, great communication skills, bridge-building, and thought leadership—all the right skills you want to display as an executive.

You can place a link to your podcast in the featured section of your LinkedIn profile page. And whether you are actively or passively looking for a new role or speaking opportunities, having your podcast will attract all the right types of attention your way.

The third reason is for professional development.

It is one of the four pillars of career success that you always need to be engaged in.

You will learn a tremendous amount about yourself, the topic that you’re focused on, how to convey it with analogies and examples, and the systems that you develop through discussing your topic time and time again that help you grow personally and professionally.

Whether it’s a large annual goal, a medium-sized quarterly goal, or a small weekly goal, you need to remain or become the best in the world at what you do.

By the way, that is the standard and expectation for you here at Black Executive Men: to be the best in the world at what you do, literally, not figuratively, and to reap all the rewards that come with this.

Setting up your podcast is easy.

You simply pick a topic, a name, and a platform to host on, which is essentially a website that will host your podcast.

Get a virtual assistant to help you with booking guests and editing your podcast, make sure you have some good recording equipment, such as a microphone and some headphones, and potentially a good mixer for the audio if you want that advanced step, and you’re good to go.

You'll have a podcast that's available for download to listeners all over the world.

I started my podcast in March with zero listeners. Today I get 900 downloads a month!

A number of my clients have developed their own podcasts in the past few months to further their thought and leadership skills and to enable themselves to learn even more, align themselves with their ideal executive roles, become paid speakers, give back, and develop themselves personally.

The downside to starting your own podcast is that you’ll need to spend about one hour a week on production, send it to your VA to be edited and uploaded, and then post it on LinkedIn, Twitter, and your other social sites.

If you can handle that burden, you can absolutely start your own podcast and take your career to the next level.

Written by Jewel Love

Founder and Coach, Black Executive Men

FOMO: Take Action Or Regret It 🏆

Why don’t you have a 7-figure or high 6-figure career? Why aren’t you a thought leader with your own podcast, newsletter, and keynote speech at important conferences? Why aren’t you making the impact you want in a job or business you love? Why don’t you have the seniority, title, and respect you desire?

The last thing you want in life is to look back with regret and say, “I had the chance to go for it, but I didn’t take action, and the only one I can blame is myself.” That can lead to resentment, bitterness, and even depression if you’re not careful.

If you’re the type of brother who stays up at night because you see your peers passing you by for roles you’re more qualified for, or if you're ready to hit 7-figures in your job or business but can’t crack the code, this is your call, and now is your time.

Book your discovery call at the link below, and we’ll clarify your business or job challenges, your ultimate career goals, carve out a plan for you to get there, and see if we’re a good fit to work together through my coaching program.

Not only will you have 1:1 access to me, but to Black male mentors, other coaches, professional connections, recruiters, funders, and new friends throughout the entire BEM network.

 🐺 Lone Wolf → Community Man 🏘

Hit the button below to join the beta BEM WhatsApp community for weekly motivation, networking, skill set upgrades, and quality friendships with professional brothers from all over the world.

We’ve already got 38 members and will be capping this group at 40 members.

This facilitated community by Jewel will help you improve your job search, executive presence, and entrepreneurial path.

Please join and introduce yourself by name, state, and company.

First and only warning: this is a supportive community for serious professionals. Any name-calling, direct selling, hustling, religious, or political topics will lead to your immediate ban.

EP 28: Podcast Potential: Unleash Your Voice, Connect With Your Audience: 🚀

In this episode, I discuss the power of podcasting as a tool for Black men in the business world to reach their audience, nurture leads, and build their personal brand.

I emphasize the importance of embracing one’s own power and highlight the potential benefits of starting a podcast, such as networking opportunities, job offers, and client acquisition.

I also provide practical advice on equipment and editing for those interested in starting their own podcast.

Born Driven: The Executive Blueprint For Black Men In Corporate America 🔥

I’m going to keep it real. This week, I was dead on the writing front. Hit a wall. Not due to a lack of content, but because I’m learning that I need to become a better writer to create something I’m proud of. I got some critical feedback from my writing group that I need to step my game up and delve even deeper into the subjects I’m discussing.

So my journey continues, writing while also upleveling my skillset as a writer in the process. It’s truly been a process of hypergrowth to put my thoughts on paper for this upcoming book.

Get on the pre-order list today by e-mailing me at: [email protected]

“My experience with Jewel has been transformative for my life.” 🤯

If you are ready to see if we’re a good fit to work together, let’s find out soon through a 15-minute discovery call, but first, check out what brothers have to say about working with me through my testimonial site below.


or to participate.