Concentrated Power

I’m both sad and happy to announce...

From this day onward, we will be focusing our attention on Black men in senior leadership roles at for-profit corporations.

At most companies, this means C-suite executives, executive vice-presidents, senior vice-presidents, vice-presidents, senior directors, and directors.

We have received a tremendous amount of love from brothers in the non-profit world, education sector, and military too.

From executive directors to vice-chancellors to fighter pilots, we have received referrals and done our very best to serve these men with mindset shifts, skillset upgrades, and connections to help you all advance.

For your support, I am deeply grateful, and your stories will continue to live in my mind and stir my soul.

For those of you who don’t know, I started Black Executive Men in 2015 in Oakland, California, as a psychotherapy organization.

My office was a hole in the wall, and yet I treated it like it was the premier top-floor office in downtown Manhattan.

I wore suits to work, Allen Edmond wingtips, and greeted brothers with a handshake at the door when they felt comfortable doing so.

I had custom-made travel hoodies and BEM client mugs with a decent tea selection for my clients as well.

I took a lot of pride in my small private psychotherapy practice.

In those walls, brothers cried out their hurts from childhood, figured out what they were feeling with the help of handouts called "feelings inventories," found ways to protect their inner child through psychodrama role-plays, and more.

I loved being a therapist.

Finding greater personal joy and seeing an even brighter future for myself and my clients in the world of coaching, I began my switch to executive coaching in 2021.

While I had a passion for treating depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders, I fell in love with coaching in 2021 while working with a coach who absolutely changed my life and decided to move in that direction ever since.

Since then, I’ve compiled the best practices for corporate advancement for Black men in senior leadership into my Executive Blueprint.

Most brothers, even those in senior leadership roles, only have about 20–35% of their executive blueprint completed. Working with me to complete their Executive Blueprint at 100% has only led to explosive results for my clients.

Some goals include earning $200,000 more in the next 12 months, reaching an SVP role, landing a corporate board role earning $300,000, or landing a job with a huge impact.

Fortunately, business is going very well, and brothers are pouring in.

However, I have reached a new distinction in my coaching business:

I want to share this with you all.

It is with sadness, but also the clarity of direction, that I will only be accepting new clients who are currently corporate executives in for-profit corporations.

For most organizations, this means brothers who are directors, senior directors, vice presidents, senior vice presidents, and c-suite executives.

Our name is Black Executive Men, and now is the time for us to own it.

In addition to seniority, going forward I will no longer accept new clients who work as non-profit, educational, or military leaders.

While there are similarities between those experiences and those of my for-profit executive brothers, there are also key differences to which I will now devote 100% of my attention.

If you do not fall into this category and still want world-class coaching, do not worry; I am happy to refer you to my skilled colleagues who are Black men and phenomenal coaches.

Nobody will be left without support and guidance.

One of my main teachings is uncovering and leading from your zone of genius. The secret to figuring out what this is for you is all about refinement and specialization.

Find out what you are the very best in the world at doing, literally, not figuratively, in order to maximize your value in the marketplace.

In order to truly be an authentic leader for the men I serve, I must demonstrate it by practicing what I preach.

For any current or previous clients who are in the non-profit, educational, or military spaces, I am loyal to the soil from day one and will absolutely keep you as a part of the BEM network and keep my door open to you for client services at any time.

This message simply applies to all new clients going forward.

I wish to thank each and every one of my supporters for allowing me to support them. I look forward to this new level of concentrated power that Black Executive Men will bring to the world as we elevate, highlight, and support Black male executive success.

Executive coaching for Black men in senior leadership roles.
Jewel Edward Love, Jr. is a world-class executive coach for Black men in senior leadership (C-suite, EVP, SVP, VP, senior director, director) who are ready to reach their next level of success and impact. This investment starts at only $10,000.

Schedule your free consultation with me today at:

Jewel Edward Love, Jr
Founder & Executive Coach


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