Zone of Genius

Your Key To Unlimited Success & Fulfillment

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This challenge will give you the education, tech tools, and group support you need to land your dream job on Wednesday, November 15th, from 12 to 1 p.m. MT.

If you’re looking for your next best values-aligned, high-paying role, click the link above to join this life-changing experience.

Only 5 spaces are left out of 25! 💥

Your zone of genius is important.

Think about it from a basketball perspective.

Steph Curry and Lebron James do one thing really well in the NBA.

Yes they’re great fathers and husbands.

But they’re known for basketball.

They don’t sell hot dogs…

“Get your HOTTTTTT dogs!”

They don’t clean up the arena when the game’s done.

They don’t take your tickets at the booth.

They don’t sell popcorn, nor do they make 20,000 T-shirts in China to be given out in the US during the quarterfinals.

These two men play basketball.

Damn well.

And they’re the best in the world at what they do.

By a long shot compared to 99.99999% of humanity.

That is their “zone of genius.”

Because they found their zone of genius (playing basketball) and put it in the right place (NBA), they have juggernaut careers.

To maximize your value in the marketplace, you must also find your zone of genius.

AND where it belongs, which may or may not be at your current company.

It might be in your own company. 🤔

So what are you the best in the world at doing?

One thing I value is transparency.

I’ve won and lost in life.

But each experience taught me something that gave me wisdom.

I remember failing out of USC film school back in 2009 and Nick the British Kid pulled me aside and said, “Jewel, the goal is to become the best in the world at what you do”.

I took it to heart and then failed out.

I felt ashamed, lost, and embarrassed.

To help me cope, I was referred to a therapist.

The tools my therapist used changed my life.

Every week I’d think, “You get paid to have deep conversations with people?" “This is an incredible career that I didn’t even know existed; how can I do this?”

Sometimes pain leads us to purpose.

I loved to help people think deeply about their lives.

But I didn’t know I could get paid for it.

Knowing there was a profession of helping people in this way, I’d finally found my calling.

My zone of genius.

Helping other people heal and unlock their full potential.

However, it took me 12 years to find where my zone of genius makes the most impact and money.

A 7-figure coach for Black men. 🔥

Even though mental health is one of my superpowers, I no longer provide therapy.

I graduated from that stage of life into lifestyle creation for my clients.

To most of the world, you guys are the cream of the crop; to me, you are my community.

For some of you, it will take months to find your zone of genius, and others will take a decade, like me.

However, it’s not just good enough to find your zone of genius.

There are 100’s of amazing coders on X (Twitter) with mvp’s that could be doing $2 million ARR, but they don’t hit the jackpot because they don’t know how to market their product.

It’s insufficient to simply know your zone of genius. You must know how to communicate it to your target audience as well.

Communicate it to your manager.

  • To your executive sponsor

  • To your support staff

  • To your interviewers

  • To hiring managers

  • To your recruiters

  • To investors

  • To funders

If you cannot communicate your ZOG, then you may continue to be seen as having a “lower value.”

So if you aren’t getting promotions and feel resentful, or you’re not getting the interviews or offers you desire, or funding, or new clients…

You might think to yourself:

“It’s racism”.

“It’s the market”.

“It’s the recession”.

And all of those things may be true.

But if you haven’t locked in your zone of genius and learned to communicate it effectively in both story and data formats, then you are not bringing your A-game, which could be a reason you’re failing without even knowing it.


I’m heavy-handed for a helping purpose.

But when you take full control of your destiny, bet on yourself, and give yourself the best career tools possible to win, the biggest obstacle you will face is leaving your old self behind while you face your fears and step into your greatest self every day.

Realize your full potential and let the world see your power. It’s here for a helping purpose.

If this unlock is something you want help with, you’re welcome to reach out to me for a discovery call where we’ll set up a plan to unlock your zone of genius and show you how to communicate it with your target markets for career advancement.

I have a few available 1:1 coaching spots open, and we can talk about what it would be like to work together. You’re welcome to schedule here:

The Biggest Career Hack 💯

I expect you to make 7-figures in your job or business.

That’s what coaches do. We set high standards for our clients and our communities. Then we help them get there.

I expect you to become a leader in your industry. Send your kids to private schools and excellent public schools. Get your MBA and send your kids to Harvard, Yale, UPenn, Morehouse, MIT, UPenn, Michigan, and UCLA. To become a highly paid coach and live abroad. To start your VC firm and move into 8- and 9-figure success

So ask yourself, if you’re not firing on all cylinders professionally, do you have someone in your corner who knows industry best practices for Black men to unlock your potential?

Coaching is one of the greatest hacks for professional success.

If you’re looking to land your next role, get a promotion, start your business, grow your business, become a thought leader, or boost your confidence, you’re welcome to schedule a 1:1 discovery call with me.

We’ll clarify your business or job challenges, your ultimate career goals, carve out a plan for you to get there, and see if we’re a good fit to work together through my coaching program.

 🐺 Lone Wolf → Community Man 🏘

The new Black Executive Men community group is a hit. We gained 23 members in one week. Brothers are sharing your goals, weekly wins, and networking with one another as well.

We’re going to cap this group, but if you still want to get access to the beta BEM community for weekly motivation, networking, skill set upgrades, and quality friendships with professional brothers from all over the world, join at the link below.

This community will be facilitated by Jewel to help you improve your job search, executive presence, and entrepreneurial path.

First and only warning: this is a supportive community for serious professionals only. Any name-calling, direct selling, religious, or political topics will lead to your immediate ban.

EP 25: The 100% Formula 🚀

In this episode, I discuss the importance of personal branding for career success. I provide practie tips for building your personal brand, such as creating a media kit and leveraging speaking opportunities at conferences.

I also discuss the value of having public visibility through speaking at conferences and hosting podcasts. I also emphasize the need to take full responsibility for your own career and to give 100% effort to professional endeavors.

Born Driven: The Executive Blueprint For Black Men In Corporate America 🔥

Writing a book is both hard and easy. I’m in a book writing cohort, which holds me accountable for the practical aspects of writing. However, it’s also a transformational process.

Author is the root word for authority. To be an authority on the topic of Black men in corporate America is both an honor and something that makes me gulp with apprehension.

Imposter syndrome sets in, but I keep pushing forward. Action is what matters. Action brings opportunity. Action brings evolution.

This week, I wrote a chapter on networking. Networking is the fourth pillar of career success. However, it’s importance is arguably number one. Networking can bring you both merited and unmerited success.

Once you find your professional purpose beyond simply “doing your job,” networking becomes an incredibly important part of your life.

Get on the pre-order list today by e-mailing me at: [email protected]

“Jewel is the man!” 🥳

None of us are perfect, but I’m excellent at what I do. My reviews speak for themselves. The reality is some clients I help moreso than others but the vast majority of brothers I work with these days are advanced in their confidence, competence, and connections when our work is done.

For me, this business isn’t a side hustle; it’s what I’m investing my professional life into, and it shows. I am here to build long-term relationships with people I guide toward success.

If you’d like to see what the community has to say about me, please check out my Trustpilot page below.


or to participate.