- Black Executive Men by Jewel Love
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- Executive Success Network
Executive Success Network
Earning $5M a year is easy when you know these people
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One of the first things I do with new clients is ask them what their ideal role is when they’re at the pinnacle of their career and earning potential.
Brothers usually describe a VP or C-suite role.
They want to earn $400,000, $800,000, $1.2 million, $2 million, $5 million, and more.
I love hearing the numbers.
Don’t you?
These are all good numbers; however, it’s going to take a strategic campaign to get you there.
Hoping and wishing on one end and doing a bunch of activities that don’t get you the results on the other are both horrible strategies for you to reach this goal.
If you are working at a competitive organization, and you absolutely are working at a competitive organization if you can earn the previously mentioned amounts, then you have to have a rock-solid game plan within a limited amount of time to get you to this level of seniority and pay.
This is where we introduce your Executive Success Network or your personal Board of Directors.
Your executive success network consists of five people who are in the exact same role and earning the exact amount of money that you want to make when you are at the peak of your career.
If you want to be a CFO earning $3 million annually, then your executive success network would be five people of any race or background who are currently CFOs, who are earning the amount that you want to earn, and who are willing to support your career.
If you want one, two, or three of these people to be Black men, then go for it. In fact, the more you can qualify who these people should be, the better.
Typically, these are people who want to give back from the mountaintop, which they have scaled and conquered.
They always have their mind and their hearts open for somebody coming underneath them who is looking to get to the same level of seniority that they are at.
You need five of these people in your executive success network because 5+ is the number of abundances. Four and below get you into the land of scarcity.
These are individuals that you want to have on speed dial or can contact on LinkedIn, and they will coach you and guide you and even open doors for you and tell you what conferences to go to, how to position yourself in the market, and what executive recruiters and executive coaches you should have to help you get to where you’re going.
The biggest mistake you could make in attempting to get to the highest level of seniority and pay is trying to get there on merit alone.
At higher levels of success, it’s about your network.
In order to bring these people into your network, you first need to identify who they are.
This is where you do your homework.
Figure out the two or three industries that you want to work in.
Ultimately, begin by identifying if you want to work for large or small-cap companies, and then begin to identify the CFOs of those organizations by doing research on them. This is a targeted campaign.
From there, you do research on LinkedIn, you listen to their podcasts, you read articles about them, you take note of what conferences they are going to be at, and you go to them.
Within one to two years, using this exact strategy, you will be able to fill your executive success network with individuals who are exactly where you want to be and earning exactly what you want to earn, and they will help open the doors for you to get there much quicker than you ever could have done on your own.
Are you ready to earn big?
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