- Black Executive Men by Jewel Love
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- Empowering Young Black Men
Empowering Young Black Men
Guide, Inspire, and Transform Lives

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Mentoring young black men can be incredibly rewarding, offering a sense of purpose and fulfillment that's hard to find elsewhere.

By giving back and paving the way for financial and career success, you'll experience joy, satisfaction, and pride in knowing you've made a difference in the black community.
You don't need to wait until retirement – start now by volunteering your time. With mentorship more important than ever, your presence can have a lasting impact on others' lives.

So go ahead: be bold, compassionate, and supportive as you guide the next generation toward success.

Black Executive Men Program 💯
If you can’t land the next job you want, aren’t getting the interviews, aren’t seeing ideal roles coming your way, or aren’t getting the offers you desire, then missing piece is access.
Most brothers spend their entire careers with far less income and impact than they are capable of. Sometimes it’s because they have been isolated for most of their careers, and other times they think their current role is the best they can do. However, many brothers are motivated to earn more and impact more lives, but they just don’t know how to achieve this goal yet.
However, if they knew how to achieve this goal, my guess is they’d go for it. But what if going for your next job was just the next step onto a greater path of earning 7-figures annually?
Would that excite you?
Now you might be saying, “That can’t be possible.”
However, I speak with 7-figure-earning Black men on a weekly basis from the business world who love what they do professionally, positively impact the community, and are committed family men, all while tending to their health and hobbies. These men are absolutely incredible, playing full-out and living their best lives now.
After providing psychotherapy and executive coaching to these brothers for the past 8 years, I’ve figured out what they do to reach the top and now offer a coaching program to help 6-figure-earning brothers do the same, called Black Executive Men.
As a 6-figure earner, you’re already in the top 10% of Black men. That’s a huge accomplishment. Congratulations on your achievement. In terms of training, undergrad and grad school are enough to get you there.
However, if you want to become an industry titan, have a huge network of successful Black men, reach a higher level of seniority, impact future generations by the 100,000’s or millions, or even become a 7-figure earner, then you need an airtight plan, additional training, and a powerhouse network to get there. I promise you, it will not happen by accident, nor will it happen if you simply put your head down and focus on your job.
You don’t get into the NBA by accident, the NFL by accident, write a New York Times best-selling novel or make a Hollywood blockbuster movie by accident. These are elite achievements reserved for the most motivated people who execute daily on their long-term plans.
You’ve already worked for companies to help them become the best in the world at what they do. But this is about you and locking in your own CEO mindset, no matter what your current seniority is. So ask yourself: Are you ready to become the best in the world at what you do so you can set your own price in the market?
If so, you may be a good candidate to join Black Executive Men. BEM is an elite program for brothers who are committed to taking the steps to unlocking their value in the marketplace. It’s for men who are tired of waiting for the world to acknowledge their worth and are now ready to unlock the juggernaut career that is waiting inside of them.
If you’re ready to unlock your full professional potential, have a master’s degree, and are ready to make a huge impact on the world, then you may be ready to join Black Executive Men.
The BEM program includes group coaching sessions, 1:1 coaching sessions, extensive networking, and on-demand learning to launch your 7-figure career, 7-figure network, and 7-figure impact.
BEM is not a program for early-career professionals, brothers without completed masters degrees, or those earning under $150,000 in total compensation.
If you’d like to learn more, click the link below to begin your application process.

LinkedIn Profile Workshop: March 6th 💸
If you’re wondering how to get recruiters to reach out to you directly for roles you love, then you must have an incredible LinkedIn profile.
If your headshot, banner, bio, featured section, work experience, education, and recommendations are not a 10/10, then you are missing out big time on the best new job leads, new board roles, and a more powerful network.
Join the upcoming workshop where I will show you what the most successful black men do to optimize their LinkedIn profiles to elevate their careers.
This will be a 3-hour workshop that includes education, live tutorials, on-the-spot coaching, real-time networking with other amazing Black men, and more.
Your one-time investment is only $400.
Email me at [email protected] to express interest in joining.

EP 37: Unveiling the Puzzle: Empowering Black Men to Seven Figures 🔥
In this episode, Jewel Love discusses the mindset and strategies needed for black men to achieve seven-figure incomes. He emphasizes the importance of setting the goal of earning seven figures and surrounding oneself with a network of people who are already earning at that level. Love also highlights the need for a concrete plan and the value of working with a coach to provide clarity, accountability, and support in achieving financial success.

Born Driven: The Executive Blueprint For Black Men In Corporate America 🔥
The book is finished and has been sent to my publisher for review. I’m excited to be working with a team of Black men who run their own book publishing company.
I celebrated finishing my book by going out to eat and talking about many of the different chapters. In addition, those with whom I’ve shared that I’m finished writing my book and manuscript have at least been impressed. They say it’s a big deal and wish they had written a book.
The prestige that comes with being an author has never really impressed me. Basketball player, sure, but never an author. Now that I’m moving down that path myself, I can tell you that there is prestige in being an author. It’s not like telling people you’re a doctor and watching them look up to you as the authority figure in the room, but they do light up a bit.
They often want to know instantly what your book is about and where they can get it. I’ve been talking about my book and even had people at nearby tables walk over to ask more about it.
Make no mistake about it; writing a book and getting it published will open doors for your career, social status, and recognition if you set it up right. If you have a book in you, you must write it.
As an update from one of my chapters, Mike and Phil, two friends who went to Morehouse and Harvard Business School together are catching up twenty years later in an airport lounger, over whiskeys. Mike’s now a 7-figure COO, while Phil’s career topped out as a lower 6-figure mid-level manager.
Mike begins telling Phil about his own journey with mental health, while Phil listens on. Phil’s never been to therapy before but believes he has some confidence issues that stem from the past. By the end of the chapter, Mike has guided Phil on how to find a Black male therapist in his own city. Phil is on his way.
This book is going to be a hit. I can feel it. It’s got a great name, a great cover, a great story, great lessons, and a great audience of readers. It will need to be read far and wide.
In terms of sales, I’d love to sell the book by the 100s and 1000s to corporations and universities that want to advance Black men’s and other employee’s career success. If you have those connections, please let me know.
Get on the pre-order list today by e-mailing me at: [email protected]

“Jewel has helped me break through my own barriers and get out of my comfort zone.” 🤯
Check out what other brothers have to say about working with me by clicking on the review below. Thank you, Cameron!
